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Bible Representation

In the recent months, we have identified or experienced interpersonal, social and environmental challenges along with the tense war related narrative. Resolutions to these challenges have been achieved from negotiation, revelation, testimony, evidence, historical references, translation, innovation and more.

Religious-biblical references have assisted to conceptualize the outcomes of conflict. These biblical references have provided insight to strategy, position, perspective along with outcome. This month we continue to identify and uplift the contributions of the women in the bible. We can appreciate how the Women (Ruth, Ester, Deborah and more) in the Bible contributed to circumstances of truth, peace along with the trajectory of outcomes. Further, we see the Biblical representations of many men along with their interpersonal, social and environmental challenges that influence outcomes.

The word of God provides many references for the comparison to our everyday lives along with providing spiritual context. In any troubling situation that you may be waring in, may we continue to seek God's word for answers, coverage along with continued clarity. From following the word, may we continue be representations of who Christ called us to be. Further, may we continue to seek, wisdom, peace and unity in our affairs and relationships.

"Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace". (Ephesians 4:3)

"Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord" (Hebrews 12:14)

(Isaiah 33:15-16)

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