The Selection Love must be spread wildly like Bambu and Equality must be given like a blind pianist whose composition is for an unknown audience. Often, love is identified as the visible presentation of gifts or affection. Love and Justice must be equal for (Whites, Blacks, Africans, Asian) any nationality. The composer should blindly love to compose a melody not only to reach a larger audience but listen for the positive impact to influence of the song.
Can We Pray, Sing, Praise & Speak Accordingly When No One is Listening?
At times we may feel unloved, that prayers, sacrifice, fasting, letters, tears, and outreach go unaccounted. In rationalizing the vast ambiguity of judgement along with role conflicts, the details are essential relating to the omission or manipulation of factors essential to understanding the outcome.
Relative to current or potential situations, may we demonstrate love one to another, acknowledge the challenges from the past and positively position our petitions for a fortified future. Balancing entails connecting conversations along with cooperation to achieve free will (and democracy). History cannot be changed, however, the mitigation of present damage can position the future.
When possible, a desired outcome of the majority should not be either at the detriment of the "minority". Respect of composition embodies a respect of the person and population impacted. In the melody, may there be notes of abundance, grace, mercy, kindness, and prosperity . Further, a continued expressions of Love and compassion of the creators creatures.
When faith along with a cooperation of people exists, so does potential.
May we come together for critical issues affecting individuals to communities:
Access to Goods & Services
Affordable Housing & Healthcare
Community Enrichment
Safety and Sanitation
Voting & Woman's Rights