When pursuing and aligning with the will of God Believers discover Presence and Company.
"The Lord replied, " My presence will Go" ( Ex 33:14)
"Out of the brightness of his presence (2 Sa 6:20)
"The Lord removed them from his presence (2 Kings 17:23)
"You will fill me with Joy in your presence" (Ps16:11)
"Walk in the light of Your Presence" (89:15)
"..Holy in the presence of our God" (1 Th 3:9)
"Present in the company of the company of the righteous" (Ps 14:5)
".. do not desire their company..." (Pr 24:1)
"Bad company corrupts good character ( 1 Co 15:33)
The concepts of company and presence are influential to the position, activity, and advancement.
What is the Difference that you have noted from Presence and Company?
Why are Presence and Company Important?
Are you seeking God's presence and Company?
Are those in your Company seeking God's Presence?
Seek the company and presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in all that you Say and Do. God Bless You