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** Morning Individual & Collective Prayers**

**Seeking Our God for 1 Hour in Harmony to Seek His Grace**

Father in the Name of Jesus, May this and the many Prayers Ascend to Reach Heavens Gates in an Outpour to the Lord Jesus Christ. We Honor, Worship and Magnify the Wonderful Name of the Lord. In Good and Times and Bad Times you Give the Breath of Life that Brings Forth Healing, Births Opportunities and Mercies in Each New Day. For this is and the many Beautiful Blessing that You Bestow We Stand in THANKSGIVING of your Wonderful Presence.

You are Omnipotent & Omnipresent & Almighty!

You Alone Are Worthy to Be Praised. For in You we can Find Joy, Peace and Comfort

You Cover, Restore & Refresh Us

Daily You Load Us With New Mercies and Benefits

Your Grace & LOVE Overflows

We Find Power in the Jesus Name

With the Wonderful and Mighty Name of Jesus

We Reap the Abundance of your Peace in Prayer and Praise


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