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In Prayer- Conversations with Christ

At times believers can be discouraged or swayed by the circumstances surrounding their lives. These situations may be challenging and presents a TEST of FAITH

One should not assume to know all of the answers or milestones that God sets before Us. Instead let us Consider to SEEK GOD. All problems can be taken to the Lord in Prayer through Conversations with CHRIST. Through serious, directed and intentional conversations with Our Heavenly Father . Through prayer one can seek God for answers for so many things.


Father in the Name of Jesus we Humbly THANK YOU for the Abundance of Your Love, Protection, Mercy, Vengeance, Kindness, Patience, Grace and Forgiveness. We ask for your Divine Presence and continue to Seek an Encounter with You. We are expecting to receive the promises in your word, that you make us more than conquerors. Further, you will make us the head and not the tail. In acknowledgement of favor, collectively we cannot count the number of Blessings that you have Bestowed Upon Us.

Further, Jesus, it is because of you that we stand to receive

Exceedingly Abundantly Above ALL that we can Ever Ask for or Image.

In these troubled and uncertain times we continue to bring our troubles and concerns to you, alter of Grace. We humbly desire that your will be done. We ask that you come within the mist of trouble, wars, rumors of wars, struggles, hurts, damage, sorrow or pain. Lord if it be in your will, please


the prayers that have gone forward and the tears containing those unsaid petitions. In all things that you have done and stand to do we thank you, praise you and worship you. In your wonderful and mighty name.


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