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Seeds for Growth

Updated: Jan 3, 2022

"Have Faith as Small as a Mustard Seed" (Mt: 17:20)

Growth requires an environment, tools and resources that is conducive to foster the seed in which it was planted. Time, a balance of resources, commitment, effort to remove negative interference along with patience increases the possibility of the seed to flourish.

My greatest growth periods were in the word of God. Admittedly, my greatest damage potential was not using the world of God to validate the actions or challenges that was encountered.

Far too often do we seek to plant our seed or ourselves in environments that are not conducive to our growth. Further, attempt to nourish seeds with substances or people that are not conducive to our specialized Growth. In any case, the reading and hearing word of God provides the spiritual nourishment.

"The lips of righteous nourish many (Pr. 10:21)

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