Many great leaders have demonstrated the mobility of influence and power under the constraints of rules, “rights,” and religion. In answering the call and meeting the mark, these great individuals over time have found the importance of the dependence on God to find the fruitfulness of favor; along with the admiration of whom they shepherd.
Their influence has served to encourage, strengthen, and encompass to preserve the mission to values of the institutions which entrust them. From one person to another, and from one nation to another we retain the contributions of their innovations, to interests. Regardless of affiliation, we can recognize the labor, dedication, and diligence of those who have persisted in peril for the promise of prosperity.
Moving forward, may we use intellect and integrity to operate in our (God-given) talents. Let our trials and tribulations translate to testimonials. Further, for the attention, fortitude, and consistency of those noteworthy individuals’ roles, failure is not an option!
May we continue to dream, reach, and revere the remarkable contributions of those who preceded along with those diligently serving today.
Any memorial of their efforts has served to uphold lesson and legacy. Today, tomorrow and always may we be THANKFUL:
THANK YOU, to leadership in their respective places
THANK YOU, to those who serve along with their families for their sacrifices
THANK YOU, for the present opportunities and those who answer the call to push the mark.
Trusting in God
Thank You Jesus
God, (Jesus Christ), Bereaved, 911 Memorial, & All Who Serve in the Line of Duty
Prayers for a royal family
Daily express